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I can't go back to the past I was different then. Life Tips From Psychic Advisor Christine Wallace

How many times Have you thought to yourself " why do I tolerate that? What was wrong with me? why didn't I say X Y AND Z ?. The very intelligent observer of her own mind Alice in Wonderland realizes the pointlessness of going back

in the past, she realizes that there was no way for her to know where 1 simple move may take her. how could she have known she would end up down a rabbit hole and into a world where everything she had ever known was the opposite of what it should be?


How often do you beat yourself up over things that are really outside of your control ?, why is it so hard for us to be kind to ourselves? give ourselves at least equal the forgiveness, the love and the same kind of compassion we give to

others ? why do we feel the need to beat ourselves up this way? Are you looking at your past to gain wisdom ? or or reflect on things that happened to learn from or to grow from? or are you just looking back to play the blame game on who's fault it was that your got you in this position that you don't like. do you have any idea the negative impact that this will have on the future if you continue to go down this road? if not I will tell you this is the road to nowhere.

since it's superbowl time let's use this example, Imagine life was a game of football and you were a player, Have you ever heard how coaches speak to the players? giving them all that confidence and inspiration to get out there and win, all the you can do it's consistently being said , how about the pounding of the drums from THE THEME SONG BEFORE THE GAME STARTS, HEAR THE DRUMS BANGING AND THE WORDS PLAYING IN YOUR HEAD WE WILL WE WILL ROCK

YOU FROM QUEEN who do you think their playing all this for us? Nope they are playing that song for the players, the coaches are giving them encouragement, the fans are rooting for their team and so on by the time they get on the field they are certainly well prepared to win!.

what would happen to these players if they were filled with guilt, shame, and blaming? the crowds booing the voice in their heads bashing them and someone shouts HOW STUPID CAN YOU BE! . The players would not go out there doing as well as they do. With millions of dollars at stake trust me they have brought this game down to some real science on what works and what won't.

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