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Good and Bad times

Updated: Apr 9, 2020

Many of us have times when things are going good and we feel as if we are one with the universe its as if something magical is happening and even when we makes mistakes it somehow turns out right and this can go on every front of our lives and we feel happiness and then suddenly out of the clear blue sky that good and positive energy slips away and we try so hard to get it back but this bad spell in some cases can go on for years ,we try everything changinging ourselves , reading books ,seeking therapy and that's just to name a few but as I've mentioned bad energy can come from almost anything depending on the person in some cases it can even come down to an object you bought . I know and have heard of people leaving their homes because of bad energy and maybe you've heard that as well but all of this is not your imagination many cultures from all over the world believe and throughout history the spirit world has been a force to be reckoned with . if this kind of thing has been happening to you in your life for more than 3 years time do not isolate yourself and face this alone its good to seek help many people do and becoming more spiritual and practicing what you believe in is also helpful . If you would like to have a reading done feel free to contact me .

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I love helping people to develop the tools they need to cope with life challenges, and I get great satisfaction from seeing them heal and thrive. Contact me today and let the healing process begin
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