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The Healing Power of Reiki With Carol

From episode: reiki interview with Carol

Carol. Hi, Christine. So nice of you to be here on this podcast today. Thank you for having me. It's a pleasure. Well, you're always welcome here, and today we're going to be talking a little bit about your Reiki healing sessions. Maybe you'd like to share with our listeners a little bit of the history of Reiki and how or why it works? Of course. So, we have to understand what Reiki is, and although it is said that it's a very mysterious energy, it is a form of energy healing. Rei means spiritual or sacred, and ki is energy, so we can understand it as a mysterious life force energy. It is pure life force energy. The practitioner will channel that energy, and it will enter the patient's body, and it will move through the chakras and energy centers. It is very, very relaxing. Reiki really provides deep relaxations, so the patient's body can move from the sympathetic nervous system, which is our fight or flight mode, to the parasympathetic system, which is our optimal health, which is really we resource ourselves. We rest, we relax, and Reiki does wonders. It is all about relaxation and tuning in and opening up to the energy so pure healing can happen. What type of issues is a person facing that Reiki could be helpful to them? Reiki can help with a lot of different issues. The most common one that we see are people who are very stressed and are dealing with high anxieties and depressions, or people who need mental clarity or body alignment, also people who have mood disorders or sleep disorders. Another common reason to reach out to a Reiki practitioner would be for pain management, and if someone went through a surgery or medical procedure, it would be to speed up the recovery and make the body more comfortable. Yeah, I've definitely heard that. I'm also hearing that hospitals are also offering Reiki nowadays. So I find that very interesting because, you know, hospitals and doctors are usually very science -based, but obviously in order for them to bring that into the medical world, that must mean that people are truly seeing real benefits from having Reiki done. So you're talking about, like, do you think that the mind can sometimes create the physical pain? And by alleviating the stressors or getting the person to relax, as you mentioned, that these mysterious physical pains, because I know when the mind isn't in a good state, sometimes that can transform into physical, real physical pain. Sure, sometimes it does start on the mental level. Reiki is wonderful because it works on four levels. It works on the physical level, but it also works on the mental level, on the emotional level and the spiritual level. And as I understand it, the very deep root cause of our diseases are on the spiritual level, and they sometimes affect the mental, the emotional and the physical level. So Reiki really works on all these subtle bodies and it really allows us to attain optimal well -being because it addresses all these energies and it's really soothing on all levels.

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