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New Weekly Horoscope So Excited To Offer You Everything You Need In One Place

Updated: May 17, 2022

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Aries (March 21-April 19)

Dear Aries, you took your independence seriously in the past few weeks and focused on your goals and desires. But when Jupiter meets Venus on May 10, love will come to the spotlight again, encouraging you to go on a date with your partner or put yourself out and meet new people.

You will also be more eager to commit and prioritize someone elseā€™s needs over yours.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Relationships might undergo lasting changes this week, dear Taurus. Youā€™ll likely ask yourself whether your current connection is worth the effort and start an uncomfortable conversation that will clear your doubts.

The eclipse on May 15 will reinforce your decision, making it easier to understand if your partner feels the same way about you two.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Dear Gemini, you often find it challenging to express yourself in romantic relationships and admit your feelings. You worry that the other person will push you away or use your trust.

But the lunar eclipse on May 15 will inspire you to embrace compromises and talk about your emotions openly.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Profession and work-related matters have been at the center of your attention in the past weeks, dear Cancer. Moreover, you were prone to silencing your feelings to keep your focus sharp and get the best results in the workplace.

But May transit will likely surprise you with someone new and worthy of your attention. However, Mercury retrograde on May 10 could cause miscommunications and force you to choose your words wisely.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Dear Leo, youā€™re usually optimistic and have a positive attitude, but you might lose that vibe temporarily due to unexpected changes. Mercury retrograde on May 10 could bring unpleasant surprises, forcing you to seek support from your friends and family.

Some relationships in your life could fall apart this week, but they had toxic foundations or no shared goals for the future.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

You enjoyed playing games and seeking thrills in the past few days, dear Virgo. Despite being loyal and respectful, sometimes you like to risk and flirt with attractive people, even if you have a romantic interest.

But Mercury Retrograde will force you to stop these games and think deeply about what you want. Perhaps youā€™ll have a challenging conversation with your partner or question your past choices.

Libra (September 23-October 21)

Dear Libra, your energy will be addictive this week. People will enjoy being in your presence and flirting with you, hoping to know you better.

However, you will resist temptations and stick with the person you have loved for a long time. If single, this could be the moment you meet someone who will change your life.

Scorpio (October 22-November 21)

Curiosity will be at an all-time high this week, dear Scorpio. Youā€™ll enjoy going out, being among people, and exploring your options.

The lunar eclipse on May 15 could lead to positive developments and allow you to meet your crush or deepen your romantic connection.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Jupiter will enter Aries on May 10 and increase your sentimentality. But you will also ooze with passion and attract potential romantic partners.

However, you will also feel vulnerable and hesitant to discuss your feelings or consider taking things further with someone you like.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Dear Capricorn, you will be highly optimistic and chill this week. Your energy will be contagious, ensuring you have no problems meetings people or developing connections.

However, you will be less calm from the inside, and youā€™ll wonder whether you made good love choices.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

Career comes first this week, but that shouldnā€™t surprise you since you already prioritized work and professional goals all month. However, Mercury retrograde could make you feel lonely and insecure.

Take some time for yourself this week and address the pain youā€™ve been putting on the back burner for months.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Someone new entered your life recently, but you might decide to cut this connection or reconnect with an ex. Decision-making wonā€™t be your forte this week, causing you to come across as confused and uninterested.

Focus on self-love and prioritize healing to grow and move from past traumas.

To have a private reading with Christine Wallace book a reading now to set an appointment using zoom or in person! Christine is looking forward to meeting with you!

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