Psychic Christine Wallace

1 min What is it?

Updated: Jun 2, 2020 is a community platform of psychics, spiritualist, mediums, reiki healers, teachers and guided meditation instructors that I've created so they can share they're gifts with all of you. so it's not a psychic line exactly but kinda and if it is than it's certainly different from the rest.

Good News! when you go to the site and subscribe to my newsletter you will get a message soon to add your name, mailing address and birthday to get a beautifully written and detailed astrology chart delivered to you and from then on you can get all kinds of free samples of my homemade herbal soaps,essential oil, dream pillows and more! if you want to do this right from here just send me your mailing information to and you'll be happily added.

What's great about this platform is that some of these psychics and spiritualist are the best in they're field from the cities and states they serve at a very reasonable price, they're a also some that are very new and fragile flowers who for the first time are serving the public, so please be patient with these. I am happy to give them the opportunity to get some experience and gain some confidence like many of us when we first started years ago. More Good New! all new callers get the first 5 minutes free and this is ample time to know if you picked the right one and if not you can just move on down the line to the next one and when you find the one that is just right you should stick with them.
